The end of the year is quickly approaching. If you have not already reviewed your accounting and taxes for the year, it is time to focus with doing just that.

My name is Holly Bottiglieri. I’m a partner at Long Island Tax, Accounting & Advisory Services Inc. My firm is a bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, tax preparation and business advisory firm. I operate primarily in the Long Island area but service clients in Westchester County, Manhattan and the five boroughs of New York City.
The firm handles a wide variety of businesses in several industries. Depending on the circumstances, the firm provides basic bookkeeping and payroll tax services, general accounting services and specific accounting services to specific industries, business and individual federal and state tax preparation services and business consulting.
If you feel that your business is ignored by your accountant, if your tax returns are always placed on extension, if you and your business do not receive any tax planning or you just feel that you are not getting the services you expect and are frustrated, call us.
  • We will at no charge, meet with you and discuss your business and tax structure.
  • We will discuss your concerns.
  • We will tell you, from an accounting perspective, your businesses’ strengths and possible weaknesses.
  • As a result of this review, we will tell you that either all is well with your accounting structure and tax reporting or that there are areas of concern.
I understand that accounting and tax issues are usually placed on the back burner and addressed when you have the time. Unfortunately “having the time” for most business owners, does not exist. Yet your concerns are important. At Long Island Tax Accounting & Advisory Services, Inc., we will streamline this review and respond immediately with our results. You will then have the information to make an informed management decision.
If you have concerns about your business’ accounting and tax services and you are interested in our review, please contact us for a no-charge no-hassle initial consultation. Our phone number is 631-645-5257 or visit our website at
Holly Bottiglieri, E.A.(Enrolled Agent)
Email address:

7K0A0223Every small business owner, regardless of where they are in the business life cycle, needs goals to keep them moving forward, get motivated to do more, and maintain the success of their businesses.

Goal setting can follow many different processes, and each one can be successful as long as it defines both long and short term goals and devises a plan for getting there. Whether you have a 50-employee company or an empire of one, your business success depends on your ability to set and achieve goals. To help you with this process here are a few tips to consider.

  1. Be Specific – You have clearly defined what you want to accomplish this year.
  2. Measurable – You have identified targets so you can track your progress. Our firm can help you with this.
  3. Attainable – Your goals need to be realistic and manageable.
  4. Relevant – Your goals fit your business model.
  5. Time-Based – You have a specific time frame in mind to achieve these goals.

 Now for the fun part – How to get started: Goal setting doesn’t have to be a long and complicated process. Grab a piece of paper and pen and ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish more than anything else? What keeps you up at night?

Take a few minutes to reflect and start writing down what comes into your mind. For example, say one of your goals is to pay off credit card debt by the end of the year.Your sheet of paper may include:

  1. Reduce expenses
  2. Review spending habits
  3. Cut up credit card
  4. Create a budget

Once you have written down everything you can think of, go back and break down each idea so it becomes a list of action items.

  • How am I going to reduce spending?
  • When do I spend more money during the year?
  • Which credit card do I cut up?

Talk with us to help you set a budget that will help you achieve this goal and then finally:

Make a Commitment to see it through and know we are here to help you each step of the way!